Round 1 Match 9

Bold, vivid, and saturated; today’s matchup is a celebration of color.

Rhodochrosite (MnCO), aptly named from the Greek word for “rose-colored,” does not disappoint. From a deep rosy-brown to the palest of pinks, rhodochrosite occurs in all the shades of red, and though softer (Mohs 3.5 -4), makes a lovely gemstone.

Turquoise is such a vibrant blue-green that its colour was named after it. Chemically, it’s a copper-aluminum phosphate and can contain some iron in it. It is probably one of the first gem stones that was mined as there is a lot of ancient jewelery with turquoise inlays (ancient Egypt, Aztecs, Native North American Tribes, Orient).

Which do you choose?

Turquoise from Iran and Rhodochrosite from Argentina. Image credit: Smithsonian Institute

Turquoise from Iran and Rhodochrosite from Argentina. Image credit: Smithsonian Institute

Rhodochrosite. Image credit: Alyssa Kaess / RockitSage

Voting for each match starts and ends at 06:00 GMT. Due to site limitations, the polls will continue to be visible until manually closed by volunteers, but only votes cast in the 24-hour period will be tallied.


Round 1 Match 10


Round 1 Match 8