Round 1 Match 5

Voting for each match starts at 06:00 GMT and runs for 24 hours. Any votes received after that time will disappear into the void, having no impact on the results chart. Please vote only once per match. Your honesty is appreciated (as is your patience). While we could enact anti-cheating measures, we’d rather make the game as accessible as possible and trust our players to not ruin their own fun.

Fan Campaign Highlights

We see you campaigning for your favourite minerals! Here’s some highlights we caught across the social media platforms we’re monitoring. Please tag us or send a note if you think we missed an educational, hilarious, or catchy campaign moment. You can also catch up on conversations happening on mindat, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Spoutable.

Howelite is named for Canadian mineralogist Henry How who discovered it in NS in nodules like a white coloured turquoise. Gets Art vote for carvings & jewelry. Whewellite seems indirectly biological but has been found in hydrothermal deposits & is named for English polymath William Whewell …

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— Ele Willoughby ( Sep 5, 2024 at 10:36 AM

ocean tides. Whewell coined so many terms, including scientist (in a review of one of Mary Somerville’s books - he deemed her superior to a mere scientist “a real person of science”), physicist, catastrophism, uniformitarianism & more. He even translated Goethe’s poetry. #histsci #MinCup24 🧪🐡⚒️

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— Ele Willoughby ( Sep 5, 2024 at 10:54 AM

Whewellite gets the physics because it’s used for thermogravimetric analysis (measuring mass as temperature changes say to look at phase changes in samples). Plus Whewell himself was extraordinary, working in math, physics, geology, astronomy & more & coordinated international volunteers to study…

— Ele Willoughby ( Sep 5, 2024 at 10:42 AM

Perhaps my favourite match up in Round 1. Do you feel like howling of whewing??

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— Meghan ( Sep 5, 2024 at 3:12 AM

Why am I voting for the borosilicate #Howlite? Boron is not an essential nutrient, but it is a prebiotic element that [mediates the synthesis of RNA]. The timing of borate precipitation in Earth’s oceans is relevant to the origins of life. Look at those starry beige crystals! 🤩🧪⚒️ #Howlite #MinCup24

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— Dee Gardner ( Sep 5, 2024 at 4:48 PM

Now it’s time to recruit more players! Chat in the comments or on the social media platform of your choice (tag us and use #MinCup24 when you can). Everyone deserves to learn more about minerals, choose favourites, and enjoy.


Round 1 Match 6


Round 1 Match 4