Mineral Cup

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Round 2 Match 4

(Once again), the Emerald Queen of the Desert faces off against the Lady of Darkness.

Dioptase, also known as the Emerald Queen of the Desert, is rare and forms in arid conditions. With its glorious emerald to teal-green vitreous and translucent crystals, dioptase is popular with mineral collectors. Dioptase clusters are cut into smaller gems for retail, and can be crushed to produce a pigment. The most beautiful and expensive dioptase specimens come from Tsumeb, Namibia and are highly sought after. But be careful with this beauty because dioptase is toxic due to its copper.

Vivianite is a ferrous-iron-phosphate mineral found in organic environments and can grow on decaying wood, bones and other organic material. It is a colorless mineral, but oxidizes easily changing its prismatic and flattened crystals to a vivid dark-green to green-blue. Vivianite is also known as the Lady of Darkness as it changes color to black when exposed to light, so make sure this collectible beauty is properly stored. Vivianite is also crushed as a bluish-grey pigment which has been used by many cultures throughout history.

If this match feels familiar, we saw this same battle in Round 2 Match 3 of Mineral Cup 2023. But every year is new voters with new motivations! Which will you choose this year?

Read campaign highlights from the Round 1 matches won by Dioptase and Vivianite.

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Dioptase from the Republic of Congo and Vivianite from Idaho. Image credit: Smithsonian Institute

Voting for each match starts and ends at 06:00 GMT. Due to site limitations, the polls will continue to be visible until manually closed by volunteers, but only votes cast in the 24-hour period will be tallied.

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