2023 Final Match

After an intense match with 3757 votes, perpetual runner-up Zircon takes the #MinCup23 Championship by just 61 votes over Perovskite! Congratulations to the Time Lord for joining our elite ranks of our winner’s circle, and our condolences to Perovskite.

That was an impressive match with clear Get Out The Vote efforts from both teams, particularly in the final hours where we saw it flip several times.

We are in awe, and want to recognize your efforts at entertainment, education, and enthusiasm. We really appreciate your flexibility and patience as we launched our own platform, and we’re delighted by your creativity in ramping up your electioneering. Thank you for making Mineral Cup so much fun!

With so many tight matches, it’s going to take us a day to put together the traditional Victory Parade. Please feel free to celebrate (or mourn) and we’ll see you tomorrow. We’ll also be posting highlights from throughout the competition, so check back later in October.

Have ideas on what went well or ideas on what we can do better next year? Please fill out our Player’s Survey! Also check our the volunteer team behind this year’s Cup.


Semi-Finals Match 2